Professor and Chair, Department of Communication
North Dakota State University
Comm 715: Seminar in Small Group Communication
This is a graduate seminar for Masters and Doctoral student. For the past three times I've taught a graduate class, the end product has been a journal publication.
Comm 316: Conflict Communication
Each fall I teach a course on conflict communication. Students learn not only a theoretical framework for conflict, but engage in several conflict scenarios in class. If take this class, you better be ready to arbitrate.

Comm 315: Small Group Communication
Each spring I teach the class most central to who I am as a scholar. As part of this class, students must work in groups to diagnosis, develop, and implement a plan to the benefit of a nonprofit organization. Teamwork is often THE skill the employers want, and this class delves into exactly that.
Comm 212: Interpersonal Communication
In the spring, I will be teaching interpersonal communication for the first time. I'm looking forward to it! The way we interact with others is central to who we are as a human, and my intent it to create a very practical class focusing on all types of interpersonal relationships.